
The Wesleyan WordPress environment is an ITS supported platform that allows faculty, staff and graduate students to have their own WordPress website. These websites are Wesleyan branded, accessible and responsive which make them a great space to host professional websites, course websites, lab/research websites and more!

WordPress Requests: To request a Wesleyan WordPress website, Submit a Ticket by clicking ‘Report an Issue’. Please include the domain name (see below) you would like and if you would like to set up training on how to build/edit your website.

Choose from 5 domain names:

*Subdomain is a unique name that you choose


Choose from 3 themes:

*See Example Sites

Wesleyan Logo Only
Wesleyan GeneratePress
Wesleyan Scholar

Example Sites:

Wesleyan Logo Only Theme

Wesleyan GeneratePress Theme

Wesleyan Scholar Theme

Support: For support with your WordPress website, please visit the WordPress Support page